Science proves that patting a dog for just 10 minutes reduces stress

Chasing down a dog for a cuddle is good for you!

The bond you share with your pet is probably one of the healthiest relationships in your life. Pets – for the most part – love you unconditionally. They offer a consoling head butt when you’re sad, and jump all over you for cuddles when you get home from work. Regardless whether you’re a cat person, dog person, or rodent person – we guarantee those little balls of feathers or fur bring you an endless bounty of love and joy.

However, pets are also great for your health.  A Harvard study reports that dogs keep their owners healthy thanks to daily walks, and that pet owners generally have lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. We also know that having a companion animal can reduce feelings of loneliness. However, a new study has just revealed that even a 10 minute encounter with a random pooch can have health benefits too!

(Credit: Getty)

A new study by Washington State University has discovered that spending just 10 minutes with a pet can reduce stress.

The study divided college students into four groups: one that pet dogs and cats for 10 minutes, the second group simply watched the first group, the third group were shown images of animals they were told they would get to pat later, and the fourth group had no contact with any animals. The students’ stress levels were measured before and after the experiment, and the findings show that the students who cuddled cats and dogs had much lower cortisol (the stress hormone) levels than the other students.

Don’t see any one-on-one animal time in your near future? Never fret, for research has shown that just watching cute animal videos can boost energy levels and increase feelings of happiness.

Now, please excuse us while we go find a pupper to hug.

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Still not persuaded? Studies show dogs can understand human speech – so they know when you need them! Watch the video below. 

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