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Should you wash raw chicken before cooking it?

We have the answer.
raw whole chickenPhotography: Getty

We asked our Facebook audience if they are washing raw chicken before cooking it. Hundreds of comments poured in, and the answers were divided.

Some insisted chicken must be washed.

One commenter said, “After it’s been sitting in residue juices in the container… rinse briefly under cold water and pat dry before cooking.”

Another said, “Yes and soak it in salty water.”

But many others said it’s an absolute no-no to wash raw chicken.

“Never have, never will and I’ve never gotten sick from chicken,” said another commenter.

“Never in my 50 years. Does everyone not understand what cooking meat does? Cooking it kills any bacteria so there is no point in washing it,” said another.

We’ve turned to scientific research and studies for expert advice to answer this question once and for all.

Are you supposed to wash raw chicken?

According to Australia’s Food Safety Information Council, 49% of Australian home cooks still wash their chicken before cooking.

Despite the high number of people partaking in the practice, food safety authorities and regulators around the world recommend not to wash poultry.

This answer could cause a lot of surprise for those who have been washing raw chicken their whole lives, but let us explain why this is the case.

What are the risks of washing raw chicken?

Washing raw chicken under running water is a health risk, according to recent research. The study showed that bacteria can be transferred from the surface of the chicken to the surrounding surfaces by water droplets, and higher tap pressure can increase the spread via splashing. Raw meat juices and any bacteria on the chicken may spread along the kitchen sink, bench top and any utensils or foods, increasing the chance of cross-contamination or getting sick.

Two chicken-washing myths

1. It’s dirty

Modern processing techniques mean that the chicken carcasses do not need extra cleaning.

2. Cleaning it kills bacteria

That is not the case – it can actually increase cross-contamination. When you cook the chicken meat, all bacteria will be destroyed effectively.

Can I still wash my chicken?

It is recommended that you do not wash your chicken. But if you absolutely must, here are a few tips to prevent cross-contamination.

1. Washing

Wash raw chicken in a sink of water rather than under a running tap.

2. Drying

Use a paper towel to collect any liquids and dispose of the towel.

3. Clean thoroughly

Disinfect all surfaces and wash your hands thoroughly to reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

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