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Research finds cat people are smarter than dog people

You pet preference says a lot about who you are.

Pet owners often fall into two groups – cat people or dog people. However, it seems our choice of furry roommate – be it canine or feline – says a lot more about our personality and intelligence than we first thought.

A study by Carroll University in Wisconsin, USA, reports that cat owners tend to be more intelligent than dog owners – regardless of how intelligent their actual pet is.

600 students were surveyed to identify personality traits and whether they loved cats or dogs. The survey revealed that cat owners scored higher in terms of intelligence, and were found to be sensitive and open-minded people, while dog owners tend to be more energetic, outgoing and rule abiding people.

Psychology professor Denise Guastello, who oversaw the study, spoke at the annual Association for Psychological Science meeting in Chicago said about the study:

“It makes sense that a dog person is going to be more lively, because they’re going to want to be out there, outside, talking to people, bringing their dog. Whereas, if you’re more introverted and sensitive, maybe you’re more at home reading a book and your cat doesn’t need to go outside for a walk.”

What do you think, fact or fiction?

Are you still deciding if you’re a cat person or a dog person? If you’re thinking about getting a dog, watch the video below to ensure you’re ready for a puppy first. 

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