Try this easy trick to make your potatoes last longer

Doing so will delay sprouting.
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Potatoes are great to buy in bulk and add them to meals whenever you need. Although it’s tempting to store them in the fridge, this actually accelerates the process of turning starch into sugar, affecting the flavour and texture – and not in a good way. 

WATCH: Salmon, potato and leek pot pies

Instead, keeping them in a nice dry spot in your cupboard will keep them fresher for longer is recommended. However, if you want to delay the appearance of sprouts, add an apple to the mix!


Apples give off ethylene gas, and while this normally has a ripening effect on other fruits and vegetables the same cannot be said for potatoes.

A study published in the Journal of the American Society for Horticulture Science found, “ethylene delayed the appearance of sprouts for 5 to 15 weeks, compared with untreated tubers.”

Other handy tips for storing your potatoes include keeping them in a dark, cool place, making sure there’s no moisture where you’re storing them (don’t wash them beforehand!), and avoiding storing them in plastic bags.

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