How to stop your dog from digging and barking

Tips from an animal professional.
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You can watch all the Pooch Perfect action on Channel Seven at 7.30pm on Thursdays

WATCH: If you don’t know what Pooch Perfect is all about, watch the video below to see what dog-lovers in Australia are talking about right now! Haven’t seen the latest episode of Pooch Perfect yet? No worries, you can watch it HERE. 

It’s no secret that Australians love their dogs. We buy them adorable clothes and take them to pet beauty salons, but we also hate it when they bark incessantly or dig holes in our carefully landscaped yards.

We spoke to resident Pooch Perfect vet and animal welfare expert Dr Bron, who says that one of the hardest parts of dog ownership is responsibly managing their behaviour.  

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(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

How to get your dog to stop barking

“The best way to think about problem barking is to consider it a symptom of an underlying problem,” says Dr Bron. “Dogs can bark for many different reasons; sometimes they are bored, sometimes they are lonely, and sometimes they are being territorial.”

“Get to the root of the problem of your dog’s barking by determining the conditions under which they bark. Is it when people walk past? Is it when you leave the house? Once you know the cause, you can start implementing solutions such as blocking gaps in the fence if they bark when people walk past. If you are struggling with dealing with your dog’s barking on your own, you can always reach out to your local veterinarian or a force-free dog trainer for more advice.”

How can we stop dogs from digging up the backyard?

“Digging dogs can be the source of much frustration. Like barking, dogs can dig for many different reasons. If they are a puppy, often they are digging for fun or exploration. If they are digging near the fence and escaping, they might be bored or experiencing separation anxiety. Seek the advice of your veterinarian or a force-free dog trainer to determine the cause, and ideal solutions, to your dog’s problem digging.”

You can watch all the Pooch Perfect action on Channel Seven at 7.30pm on Thursdays

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