Not everyone has time to work out a detailed health and wellbeing plan, but there are a few small things that even the most time poor people can do to feel happier and healthier in 24 hours.
1. Drink more water
Poor hydration can have major effects on your performance, energy levels and brain function, so it’s important to start hydrating as soon as you wake up. Keep a water bottle filled and ready to go in your fridge overnight, so it’s ready for you in the morning, and refill it throughout the day. Aim to drink somewhere around 10 cups of fluids a day.

2. Get Moving
While regularly participating in workouts or sports that get your heart pumping and face sweating is great, remember that not every activity has to be full-on. A slow walk with your dog, some stretching or even dancing are all low-impact ways to get your body moving, your muscles activated and clear your mind.
3. Add veggies to every meal
This one is actually pretty easy. Whatever you’re planning to eat, just think of a vegetable that would work well with your planned meal and throw it in. Add spinach to your eggs, celery to your hommus, broccoli to your stir fry or use cauliflower rice as a base for a meal. It doesn’t matter what vegetable you eat, just work one or more in to your meals.

4. Remove digital devices from your bedroom
When you go to bed tonight, remove all digital devices like phones or tablets from your room and try not to use them during the half hour before you go to sleep. This will reduce your exposure to blue light, stop notifications from distracting you or waking you from the early stages of sleep, and it’ll stop you from pointlessly scrolling when you should be sleeping. Invest in a good old-fashioned alarm clock instead of using the alarm on your phone.
5. Make time for an activity that makes you happy
Do something that specifically makes you happy and feeds your soul. That might be painting, drawing, playing an instrument, going to the weekend markets, spending quality time with your kids or meditating. Participating in activities that makes you happy can inspire you, recharge your batteries and help you pay attention to the small things in life that make the everyday chaos worth the struggle.

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