7 Tips to boost your brain

Re-boot your brain.
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It is Brain Health Awareness Week from the 11th-18th of March.

Memory, brain health and dementia expert, Tamar Krebs offers these 7 ways to re-boot your brain.

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7 Tips to boost your brain

Sleep well. While you sleep harmful toxins are flushed from the brain. Optimise the quality of your sleep by closing bedroom curtains or blinds, enjoy a relaxing shower, get comfy in your chosen sleeping attire and avoid all screens 30 minutes before bed. 

Eat for ‘brain-health’. Feed your brain power with foods such as green, leafy vegetables, nuts, blueberries, beans, whole grain foods, fish, olive oil. The Mediterranean diet is a great choice. Avocado is also thought to support brain health.

Drink red wine in moderation. Resveratrol found in red wine is linked to heart and brain health. White wine doesn’t, so consider twitching.

Move your body. What is good for your heart is good for your brain. Exercise gets the blood and oxygen flowing which in turn helps to re-boot your brain. So it’s not just physical, exercise improves memory and sharpens your thinking skills too. 

Stay social and catch up with friends. Interacting with people forces you to think, communicate, stay alert and interact – all healthy brain exercises.

Educate yourself. It’s never too late or too soon to read more, learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, start a new hobby or develop a new skill.

Drink coffee. Studies have shown that coffee can decrease the onset of dementia. Even better, tick two boxes at once by having regular a coffee catch-up with friends.

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