Women wearing the wrong size bra is a more common occurrence than you might think. A study done in the UK found that 80 per cent of women wear the wrong bra size. Another survey conducted by Triumph and published in the journal Chiropractic & Osteopathy found that of the 80 per cent of women wearing ill-fitting bras, 70 per cent wore bras that were too small, and 10 per cent worse bras that were too large.
The thing with bras is that while they’re a necessary evil for many women, wearing an ill-fitting bra can have significant health side effects. Recent research has shown that a bra that offers poor support can lead to breast pain, a condition that 50 per cent of women report experiencing. Furthermore, an ill-fitting bra has been linked to back, neck and shoulder pain, as well as mild skin abrasions.

Paula Svoboda is an expert bra fitter for retailer Triumph, and she says being fitted for a bra isn’t as scary as you might think. “I have fitted more than 50,000 women over the last 18 years and can tell a woman’s size, shape and the most appropriate bra style with a glance,” says Paula. “I have seen the confidence of thousands of women transformed by a simple bra fitting.”
Up to 40 per cent of Australian women have a cup size of DD or larger, and Paula says your average D-cup breast can weight around 500 grams. That means if you’re wearing an ill-fitting bra, around a kilo of breast weight is being distributed incorrectly across your back and shoulders, your bust isn’t being supported, and your prone to experiencing a variety of pain and discomfort.
We asked Paula to tell us how to know if you’re wearing the wrong bra size. These are the five signs she tapped as being dead giveaways.

1. You haven’t bought a new bra for six months
A bra needs to be replaced every three to six months, depending on wear. If it’s a bra that only gets an airing a few times a year, count on having to replace it every year. Women often think they are the same size today as they were last year, or even two or three years ago, but a woman’s bust can change drastically – age, exercise, weight changes and hormones all contribute to your bust size. So, if your bra is starting to feel uncomfortable, it’s probably not the bra’s fault. It’s often the person wearing the wrong sized bra or wrong style for their bust shape.
2. The back of your bra does not sit level with the front
If your bra is riding up or sliding around as you move, then the band size is too big and you’re not getting the right support. Make sure the bra’s band is horizontal from back to front, as 80% of bust support comes from the under band you need to ensure it remains firm, yet comfortable.
3. You can feel the wires cutting in or resting on breast tissue
If you feel the wires are digging in or resting on breast tissue, that’s a big sign you are wearing the wrong size. The underwire should go around the entire contour of the breast, while the front of the bra should sit flat across your chest.
4. Your shoulder straps fall down or need re-adjusting throughout the day
The bra straps should feel firm and comfortable. They should not be cutting in or sliding down the shoulders. If the shoulder straps are falling off then the bra is too big for your diaphragm, so try going down a size in the band.
5. Your breasts are not filling the cup or you’re spilling out
If the breast cup is gaping or there’s excess flesh spilling over the top and sides of the bra, you are wearing the wrong cup size. Look instead for good coverage at the side and top of the breast – fabric should be firm over the entire bust.
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