A helping hand with diabetes

Get a sneak peek at Diabetic Living endocrinologist Dr Sultan Linjawi's new diabetes management system

Diabetic Living expert endocrinologist Dr Sultan Linjawi has launched an online diabetes program called My Health Explained. Featuring video content and tips from Dr Linjawi, this online program gives you specific guidance for your health and your specific diabetes issues. “The plan is not to try to become the doctor or take away the role of the doctor or nurse or educator or dietitian — it’s to enhance their service because you can’t get hours of information at the doctor,” explains Dr Linjawi. “We wanted to make a site that is unique to the individual as much as possible. Custom content. You can read different personas – a guy who cares about his health and wants to learn a lot, the second is I don’t know why I have diabetes, I feel fine, the third is I don’t have time to be sick, and the fourth is a guy who used to be healthy and fit but is now cuddly. So you choose the persona that most accurately fits you. The information and videos then change depending on your persona/what you’ve told us already and if you’re a carer.

Visit My Health Explained for more.

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