
7 Household hacks that will save you time and effort

For when you just can't be bothered.

Most of us like to think we have everything sorted out. Our shirts are ironed and our sheets are fresh, the floors are clean and the washing basket is nearly empty. But not every day (or every week, for that matter) feels like this. There are times when all of us struggle to get the ironing done, the washing hung and dinner cooked, and that’s okay. That’s why we’ve pulled together a little collection of tips and tricks to solve the problems that always seem to pop up when you’re time poor and running late.


1. You haven’t done the ironing but you really need that shirt

When all else fails bust out the hair straightener and run it over tell-tale spots like the collar, cuffs and front of a shirt. Always make sure the straightener is free of hair products before you start, and always start on a low temperature. Generally speaking, delicate fabrics can only handle low heat, while things like linen and denim can withstand a high heat.

Note: If you have a dryer, try popping your clothes into the dryer with a few ice cubes for 10 minutes, and they’ll come out wrinkle-free!

2. You need to dry clothes fast but don’t have a dryer

This trick only works if you have a heated towel rack, but if you do have a heated towel rack, wrap your clothes around the bars of the rack while it’s on. This trick can also work on the humble oil heater, just supervise your clothing and watch it dry super-fast. 

3. You need to clean everything from your face to the benchtop, fast

Keep a pack of baby wipes or antibacterial wipes handy in the house. They can be used on everything from shoes to hands to benchtops to stains on the floor if you’re in a pickle and need to get out the door fast.

baby wipe
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

4. Your zip is stuck and/or broken

Don’t you hate it when the zip on your favourite dress or pair of pants gets stuck? But never fear, you can fix it with a few things you might have lying around the house, Just rub a bit of soap or waxy lipbalm over the affected area of the zip and it should help work the zip free.

5. You need to clean venetian blinds

Although this isn’t a solution if you’re blinds are coated with years’ worth of dust and grease, this can work as a bi-weekly or monthly clean. Wrap each end of a pair of tongs in microfibre cloth and dampen it with cleaning liquid. Voila! Instant blind cleaner.

6. The kid’s toys are filthy

Stick them in the dishwasher. While not everything can go in the dishwasher, you’ll be surprised at what can withstand the standard cycle. Vases, plastic toys and dish racks can all go into the dishwasher.

pile of laundry on chair
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

7. You hate hand-washing baking trays and dishes

Never wash them again by lining them with foil or baking paper every single time you cook. Nothing will ever stick, and you’ll never have to clean.

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