How would you like to wine and dine in your own city without having to foot the entire bill? If this sounds tempting, then check your eligibility for a regional travel voucher.
When the pandemic first hit and the travel industry collapsed, it was hard to imagine how it would ever recover. Until state governments agreed to step in and aid the struggling sector with a travel voucher scheme.
While the amount and conditions differ in every state, with WA, Tasmania, NT and South Australia having already rolled theirs out, the incentive hoped to boost regional tourism, and is already showing promising results.
And it’s not over yet, if you’re a Queenslander, Victorian, or from New South Wales it’s your lucky day because there are still thousands of vouchers on offer for you to snatch up!
Find out how to get your hands on a voucher below.

Queensland Cairns Holiday Dollars program
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk recently announced the Cairns Holiday Dollars program, which has 15,000 travel vouchers on offer.
The vouchers are valued at 50% of the cost of the experience, up to $200 and are eligible to Queenslanders only. So to get the $200 reimbursement you’ll need to spend $400. If you fit the bill, head to between March 8 and 11 to register you interest.
The vouchers can only be used on certain tourism attractions in Far North Queensland, specifically in Cairns and on the Great Barrier Reef. Experiences include tours, galleries, exhibitions, and land, air or water experiences. And if you get your hands on a voucher it needs to be used between March 15 and June 25.
Head here for more information and to find out participating businesses.

Victoria Regional Travel Voucher Scheme
Victoria is set to release its third round of travel vouchers with registration opening on March 30 at 10am.
Any Victorian over the age of 18 is eligible to apply, with each household limited to one voucher. If you’re lucky enough to snag a voucher, you can use it to claim a reimbursement of $200 if you’ve spent at least $400 on either accommodation, experiences, tours or attractions.
Vouchers will need to be used between April 6 and May 31. For more info and participating businesses head here.

New South Wales Dine & Discover
NSW’s $100 dine and discover program is still slowly rolling out across the state, after first being trialled in specific areas across Sydney. Throughout March, the rest of the vouchers will slowly become available to more Local Government Areas.
The vouchers are single use only and broken down into 2 x $25 Dine vouchers for dining in at restaurants, cafes, bars, wineries, pubs and clubs from Monday to Thursday.
And 2 x $25 Discover NSW Vouchers to be used for entertainment and recreation, including cultural institutions, live music, and arts venues, to use 7 days a week.
Head here for more information and participating businesses.
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