
How to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety in 2 minutes

All it takes is one pressure point.

No one likes feeling stressed or anxious, and sometimes it can be very difficult to shake those emotions off. However, there’s a little trick than can help reduce feelings of stress anxiety, and it only takes 2 minutes.


Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique similar to acupuncture. However, instead of needles, you simply apply pressure to specific acupuncture points on the body for relief.  

Some medical studies suggest that acupressure may be effective treatment for nausea, back pain, headaches and other ailments.

So, how can acupressure help reduce stress and anxiety in 2 minutes?

There are more than 600 acupuncture points on the body, and all affect emotions and ailments differently. However, for anxiety, there is a point called the Pericardium 6. It is found on the palm side of your arm, three finger-breadths up from the inner-wrist crease, in-between two tendons.


Firmly hold this point with the thumb of your other hand and take deep breaths for two to three minutes.

It is thought that this point on the body can calm the mind and reduce anxiety.


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