Turns out there are plenty of ways to keep your kids occupied outdoors. With everything from a trampoline sleepover to a backyard cricket pitch are sure to keep your kids away from screens.
However if you’re looking for the ultimate way to keep your kids outdoors and use their artistic talents at the same time, hen look no further because we have the solution! An all-in-one outdoor art set-up you can make, then hang from your back fence. Totally cool, huh!
This easy-to-do set up only has three steps and is so low maintenance you could do it in an afternoon.

Here’s how
Step 1. Paint a sheet of CD plywood in outdoor chalkboard paint
Step 2. Frame it in brightly coloured moulding and add a bottom shelf with cup holders for chalk, pencils and paintbrushes.
Step 3. Hang a roll of paper for drawing and painting, too, and you’re all set for a bit of good old-fashioned fun!
The kids can scribble away on their very own chalkboard, in a contained and easy-to-clean area. The addition of a removable paper roll means they can paint, or draw with coloured pencils, too! And that hanging line? The perfect space for pegging up artwork to dry, plus it makes for an adorable backyard gallery of the kids’ art.

Pick up a cute letter box especially for the kids or get crafty and make a special one with their favourite cartoon character on it. Make use of the letter box by encouraging the kids to write letters to their friend and family members! If they’re not sold on the idea of a letter than how about helping them pen an adorable resume for your household pet.
Why not teach them how to make a envelope while you’re at it and learn all about the post. What a fun way to pass an afternoon outdoors!

For the (little) green thumbs, hang a planted pot of colour nearby at a height your kids can reach. That way they can look after a plant all of their own!
Or if you want to be a bit more creative, pick up a few supplies from the art store and entice your kids into making their own furry pet caterpillar. It sprouts grass and can be trimmed and styled too.

Let your kids do some of the decorating by teaching them how to draw basic shapes such as circles, hearts, stars and houses, using stencils made from 12mm CD plywood. Attach plastic handles so they’re easy to hold and trace around.