Bring a fun new friend for your kids into the family and let the horsing around begin!
You can make this hobbyhorse from readily available materials and a few simple skills. The toy dates back hundreds of years to when horses were the only form of transport and children wanted to have their own to ride.
This project is simple and fun for everyone!
Gather your supplies
- Head 350 x 350 x 18mm marine plywood
- Collar 120 x 44mm dia. Tasmanian oak dowel
- Pole 950 x 22mm dia. Tasmanian oak dowel
- Plugs 5mm x 9mm dia. Tasmanian oak dowel (6)
- Handle 250 x 22mm dia. Tasmanian oak dowel
When using power tools, wear all safety gear required. For more information, refer to your equipment pack instructions.
Here’s how
STEP 1 Use a pencil and ruler to draw a 50mm grid on head plywood. Using hobbyhorse head template as a guide, mark where shape crosses grid lines. Join these points following shape then use jigsaw to cut out. Sand cut edges smooth with fine sandpaper.

STEP 2 Mark position of handle on head. Use a drill fitted with a 22mm spade bit to make hole for handle.

Drill through 1 side until point of spade bit pokes through other side. Turn over and drill from other side. This will give you a neater finish on edges of hole.
STEP 3 Drill a 22mm-dia. hole 50mmdeep through centre of collar from 1 end. Here, a drill press has been used. If you don’t have one, clamp collar to side of workbench and use drill, keeping vertical.

STEP 4 At other end of collar, mark out a 18mm-wide 60mm-deep slot. Clamp to workbench so this end is hanging off side. Use a coping saw to cut out slot.
STEP 5 Brush glue inside slot and fit onto head (see position on template). Use 2.5mm bit to drill a pilot hole through collar into head 30mm from end of collar. Switch to 9mm drill bit and countersink hole so head of screw sits 3mm below surface. Screw collar to head using 25mm wood screws. Repeat to insert 2 screws into other side of collar, centring screws 20 and 40mm from collar end.

STEP 6 Use brush to spread glue evenly in collar hole. Insert pole. Predrill, countersink and screw through collar into pole as done in Step 5 – on side with 2 screws through head, centre 1 screw 20mm from end of collar and on other side centre screws 15 and 35mm from end.

STEP 7 Dab glue in screw holes and tap plugs into holes. Let glue dry.

STEP 8 Use sander to make plugs flush with surface of collar. Hand sand using very fine sandpaper to remove sanding marks and make smooth.

STEP 9 Use steel wool to apply 2 coats of furniture oil to hobbyhorse.

STEP 10 Nail upholstery tacks to either side of head in position for eyes.

STEP 11 Stick 2 different coloured leather offcuts together with leather glue. Refer to template to draw shape of ears on leather and cut out 2. Fold bottom of ears in half and nail 1 to each side of head in position with 20mm flat head nails.

STEP 12 Insert handle through hole in head so it sticks out either side of head evenly. Drill a 2mm hole on a slight angle through handle into head. Use 50mm nail to secure.