Home Garden

How to make sleeper seats

Bring the feel of a campfire to your place.
Better Homes and Gardens

Build this chunky seat underneath a flowering tree in your backyard and you’ll have the perfect spot to sit and read through the warmer months. Consider adding a fire pit in the middle and you’ll have major campfire feels that the whole family will enjoy!

Gather your supplies

200 x 100mm x 2.4m hardwood sleepers (8)

90 x 19mm x 2.1m merbau decking


– Side bench outer seats (2) 2190 x 200 x 100mm hardwood sleeper

– Side bench inner seats (2) 2052 x 200 x 100mm hardwood sleeper

– Centre bench outer seat 1720 x 200 x 100mm hardwood sleeper

– Centre bench inner seat 1441 x100 x 100mm hardwood sleeper

– Legs (12) 350 x 200 x 100mm hardwood sleeper

– Cleats (6) 350 x 90 x 19mm merbau decking

You’ll also need

Combination square; power saw; sliding bevel; trimmer or router; chamfer bit, to suit; belt sander; drill and bits; long 5mm drill bit; nail gun and nails (optional); 150mm galvanised batten screws; 65mm galvanised hex head screws; Feast Watson Traditional Timber Oil

Here’s how

Step 1 Using combination square and power saw, square ends of the 4 sleepers required for side bench outer and inner seats (see Notes, right). Measure from squared ends to find long points needed for angled cuts

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 2 Find an image of a protractor on the internet and print out, then use to set sliding bevel to a 33° angle. Put bevel on long point, mark cutting lines.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 3 With bevel still set at 33°, mark both ends of centre bench outer and inner seats, making sure angles run in opposite directions on same side of each sleeper. Cut along all marked lines using power saw.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 4 Using trimmer or router fitted with chamfer bit, put a chamfer on all edges of all bench seats.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 5 Using belt sander, sand all faces of timber to make smooth. Start with a coarse sandpaper before moving to finer grade.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 6 Measure and cut legs, then sand and chamfer edges of each leg.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 7 On underside of all outer seats, measure in 300mm from long points of angled cuts and 300mm from square ends and mark. Put legs on inside of marked lines, then skew nail or screw in place. Put all inner seats in formation next to outer seats, so angled ends line up. Mark positions of legs on underside of inner seats and attach legs in line with outer seats’ legs.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 8 Flip seats on side and on top of each seat, mark centreline of legs. Predrill, countersink and drive in two 150mm batten screws at each leg.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 9 To create the benches, you need to join corresponding inner and outer seats together. Space seats 15mm apart, then hold 1 cleat on underside of 1 bench, flush to inside of 1 set of legs. Predrill and secure with 65mm hex head screws. Repeat for other set of legs and for all remaining benches. Arrange completed benches in formation and check level.

(Credit: Better Homes and Gardens)

Step 10 Apply 2 coats of timber oil, following product instructions.

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