Rosemary is a truly amazing herb that’s a feast for the senses. Not only does it offer year-round garden splendour, but it’s also delightfully fragrant and super flavoursome – just think of how well it complements lamb and roast potatoes!
Certain varieties also provide great flower colour, when they bloom in late spring or summer. These florals range from dark to pale blue, through to pink and crisp white. Rosemary can also be used as an evergreen hedge, trimmed into a standard or kept as a long-life shrub – it even thrives in pots. Follow this guide and discover how you can plant up this all-rounder in your garden.
How to grow rosemary

Where to grow
To cover a sun-drenched wall, consider planting a prostrate form of this herb such as Rosmarinus ‘Irene’. It spreads quickly and will cascade neatly over a surface.
To create a cute mini double hedge in your garden, grow rosemary behind a row of lettuces and trim or pick to keep it compact.
Plant under your kitchen window for an easy-reach herb patch – it’s handy if you ever need a last-minute sprig for cooking. Or, simply open your window and enjoy the sweet scent.

How to grow
Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary thrives in hot, dry areas with little to no frost in winter. However, it will grow well in just about any climate, providing it’s not too humid, wet or cold.
For rosemary to flourish, choose a sunny spot that receives at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily. Also ensure it’s protected from cold, drying winds.
Plant in a well-drained soil that’s neutral to slightly alkaline. Add dolomite or lime at least once a year to increase the pH level and keep the herb happy. If planting in a pot, use a quality potting mix that drains freely. For even better drainage, try planting it in a cacti and succulent mix, such as Debco Cacti & Succulent Superior Potting Mix or Yates Thrive Cacti & Succulent Potting Mix.

This herb doesn’t like to be completely dry, nor does it thrive when saturated, so water regularly but sparingly. If pot grown, water when the soil feels dry.
In spring, feed with organic food such as blood and bone or cow manure. Alternatively, apply a slow-release fertiliser such as Scotts Osmocote Plus Organics.
Remove any dead stems and straggly shoots in spring. Lightly trim your rosemary after flowering to encourage bushy growth – keep the cuttings and use them in the kitchen or place them around your home for a natural perfume.

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