Plant a macadamia tree (or two) in your backyard for its creamy tasting kernels and lovely look!
Watch: Charlie Visits A Macadamia Farm In Byron Bay
It’s getting into the football season, meaning weekends spent with friends watching your team go up – or down – to their rivals.
But that bowl of macadamias you all snack on is emptying faster than you can say, “Ref, you’re off your nut!!”
Even though they’re Australian natives, macadamias can be expensive, so you may want to consider growing your own tree, to help make the season’s highs and lows a little more palatable.
And cheaper! Here’s how.
How to grow a macadamia tree

Climate: Tropical, sub-tropical and humid.
Aspect: Sunny, protected from high winds.
Temperature: 25°C-35°C. Frost-free.
Soil: Well-drained, well- nourished loam. If your soil is sandy or clay, dig in plenty of organic matter.
Water: Macadamia trees are shallow-rooted, so water weekly from spring through to autumn. In their natural environment, the trees get high amounts of rainfall, about 1000mm annually. Mulch to keep moisture in the soil.
Food: In spring, use fertiliser specific to Australian natives. The trees are a member of the Proteaceae family, so don’t tolerate phosphorus.
Height: A macadamia tree naturally grows 20m high and 10m wide over 30-40 years. If your garden can’t fit a tree that size, you can buy a ‘home’ variety that grows to 2-4m, or a dwarf tree that grows to 1-2m.
Pruning: Only to control shape or height.

How to plant a macadamia tree
- Prepare your soil with compost and decomposed manure before planting. Make sure it is not too high in phosphorus as macadamia trees are sensitive to it.
- Plant at the same height as it was inside the pot. Backfill and press the soil down firmly.
- Water generously to remove air pockets.
- Apply a layer of mulch, to a diameter of 1m.
How long does it take for a macadamia tree to grow?
It can take from 10-15 years to grow a fully mature macadamia tree. Don’t be warded off though, as macadamia trees can yield fruit after a short amount of time.
Can macadamia trees be grown in pots?
Although macadamia trees are most commonly grown straight in the ground, they are very tolerant to being potted as well. In fact, there are several dwarf varieties you can get if you have less space available.

Harvest your nuts
It takes 6-7 years before a tree grows nuts, then it can produce up to 50kg – in their shells – a year.
To get a super bumper crop, plant two different varieties. The white or pink racemes of fluffy flowers form in spring, turning into fruit that falls to the ground between March and September, encased in hardy woody shells surrounded by greeny-brown husks.
In spring, pick off those that haven’t fallen.
Over a couple of weeks, the fruit dries out and the shells are easier to crack without damaging the kernel.
Can you eat macadamia nuts straight from the tree?
You will need a nut cracker to remove the outside shell from your macadamias before eating. You can then eat them raw or cook them to increase their rich, buttery flavour!
Recipes that use macadamias

After you’ve harvested your macadamias, you can eat them straight from the bowl, or you can turn them into one of these delicious recipes!
Do you prefer your nuts to be in a sweet treat or dinner dish?
Mango, avocado and macadamia salad
Sticky honey macadamia chocolate cake
Salted macadamia and almond caramels