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Boongala Gardens are the perfect example of an Aussie rainforest

Discover the native rainforests of Australia.
(Photography: Brent Wilson)

They say fairies live in rainforests – deep in the moist, humid and shady environment, sheltered under lush, green and glossy foliage, where plants live on air, vines twist and curl up trees, and twinkles of light come from flowering orchids. They’re magical places and can be as vast as the Amazon in South America or as small as your backyard – like Boongala Native Gardens and Rainforest at Kenthurst in Sydney’s north-west. Unlike the Amazon, this was built by hand, with every plant – all natives – lovingly picked, planted and tended. It casts a million spells!

boongala gardens rainforest with giant birds nest fern
(Photography: Brent WIlson)

This garden and native rainforest is only open for a short time period during Spring each year. For 2024, Boongala Gardens is open from the 30th of August until the 7th of October. You can visit from Friday to Monday within this time period at 76 Pitt Town Road, Kenthurst.

Visit Boongala Gardens

The history of Boongala Gardens

Going back about 20 years ago, Boongala rainforest, north-west of Sydney, was weedsville – until plants-person Mal Johnston had a vision that the land on his property sloping down to a creek in a gully could be transformed into a rainforest.

boongala gardens with pathway and rainforest surrounding it
(Photography: Brent WIlson)

In the years since, he’s put in a wealth of rainforest plants, starting with tall, sun-loving trees that would eventually form the canopy to protect the shade-loving understorey plants, including shrubs, groundcovers and climbing plants that use the mature trees for support.


Plants that are in the Aussie rainforest

Rainforests thrive in tropical or temperate climates with high rainfall. A closed and continuous tall tree canopy creates a moist, humid, and shady environment for moisture-loving understorey plants

This includes ferns, epiphytes—plants that grow on other plants and get water and nutrients from the air—and long-stemmed, woody vines that are rooted in the soil and use trees as vertical support to climb up in search of direct sunlight. 

(Photography: Brent Wilson)


Dendrobium gracillimum orchid

This fragrant orchid is beautiful in both colour and shape. With yellowing leaves dotted with a deep purple, this small flower is perfectly adapted to the NSW rainforest climate.

(Photography: Brent Wilson)


Dendrobium kingianum orchid

Commonly known as the pink rock orchid, this species is endemic to eastern Australia. It is usually seen growing on rocks, and flowers from late winter and into spring.

(Photography: Brent Wilson)


Livistona palm

This is an image of the fruit of the Livistona palm, which is a large fan palm that can grow up to 25m in height. Often called the cabbage tree palm, this plant is commonly found in Aussie rainforests, and works well in tropical and temperate conditions.

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