Dark chocolate is the sweet treat you don’t have to feel guilty about indulging in. Made from cocoa seeds, and best when the percentage of cocoa is highest, dark chocolate can have a positive effect on both your health and wellbeing thanks to the antioxidants in it. But beware, not any old dark chocolate will do. Look for high-quality chocolate with high levels of cocoa, and steer clear of the sugar-loaded milk and white chocolate varieties.
It is nutritious
Dark chocolate contains soluble fiber and a 70-85 per cent rating of cocoa in a dark chocolate treat is loaded with minerals such as iron, magnesium, copper, manganese and potassium.
It’s packed with antioxidants
Dark chocolate is loaded with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. In fact, one study even found that cocoa and dark chocolate had more antioxidants than blueberries and acai berries.

It’s good for your blood flow
Some studies have suggested that eating dark chocolate may lower blood pressure and improve blood flow.
It may lower the risk of heart disease
Another study found that eating dark chocolate more than five times a week lowered the risk of heart disease by 57 per cent.

It can improve brain function
A 2006 study found that eating high-flavanol cocoa for five days improved blood flow to the brain. Cocoa also contains stimulate substances such as caffeine, so that could also be why it increases brain function in the short term, too.
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