Lucy Lindfield (nee Francis) writer profile headshot

Lucy Lindfield

Lucy Lindfield has a long-standing love affair with homes that began with a childhood spent picking out the nicest house on each street from the back of her parents' 2000s Subaru. Years later, after completing both a Diploma of Interior Design at Design Centre Enmore and a Bachelor of Media at Macquarie University, she dipped her toe into PR at a bespoke firm specialising in architecture, then went on to produce social media and editorial content at a Sydney agency before settling right at home in…homes. Following a brief stint with Better Homes and Gardens, Lucy has spent several years writing under Homes To Love and managing the digital presence of Inside Out, Real Living and Country Style. It’s here that she can combine her great loves every day: design, architecture, lifestyle, homes, and, of course, words. In her free time, she finds her dream home over and over on real estate websites and spends far too long browsing Facebook Marketplace for mid-century furniture.